【Global Market Trends | 2021 W19】

原标题:Global Market Trends | 2021 W19






l 德国:疫情当下,Edeka发展态势不减

GfK监测数据显示,消费者们逐渐偏向于选择一站式商店。因此,各大超市2020年的盈利普遍提升,尤其是Edeka和Rewe等大零售商。据GfK统计,Edeka总盈利达到了 610亿欧元,同比增长了 9.5%,Rewe也取得了 265亿欧元的佳绩,同比增长了 12%。居家办公和饮食的消费者增长是驱动力之一。

l 俄罗斯:为什么俄罗斯人选择荣耀 Magicbook 笔记本电脑?

荣耀公布了其MagicBook笔记本电脑在进入俄罗斯市场后首周的销量。根据GfK数据测算,尽管整体笔记本电脑的市场处于下降态势,2021年前15周的销量同比下降了 16.2%,荣耀此次新产品的需求量较往年仍有提升。对此,荣耀特别分享了其对热门型号的见解。

l 瑞士:网购流行,包邮服务是消费者首要考虑

"netzwoche.ch"报道,根据KPMG最新研究,疫情期间,有近 40%的瑞士消费者改变了购物习惯。 43%的受访者表示他们每个月至少网购一次,其中多数人表示快递包邮是他们决定购买的首要因素。同时,报道也提及了GfK从三月初开始进行的一项研究,即家用电子产品销售渠道监测。研究表明线上渠道占比达到了 50%。

l 荷兰:“欧洲鳄梨销量进一步提升”

欧洲鳄梨市场的发展令人瞩目。在荷兰,据GfK消费监测数据显示,鳄梨销量在2020年呈指数型增长,从35%增长到了 40%。Nature"s Pride公司的Annabel Könst和Tom Verbakel最早将即食鳄梨引入荷兰,并期望荷兰市场蒸蒸日上。他们表示,在瑞典和丹麦已经有约 60%的人食用鳄梨。据报道,预计德国和东欧的鳄梨市场也将显著增长。


2021年Q1,瑞士零售业有所回暖,尤其是在非食品领域。这一切归功于3月1日非必需品店铺的重新开业。根据GfK监测数据,食品领域的零售额增长了 7.2%。而非食品领域的盈利增长了 13.2%,同比增势较迅猛,因为去年的增幅受疫情影响,仅达8.5%。此外,GfK在本周三进一步点明:“在多数行业,三位数增长已屡见不鲜。”

l 荷兰:“时尚行业,实体店发展至关重要”

GfK专家Danny van den Burg出席Emerce并发表演讲,大谈时尚行业的风云变幻。基于Q1时尚市场总盈利下降了 15%的情况,他建议零售商活用销售渠道,并表示“仅线上商店并不足以弥补损失”。Van den Burg表示,时尚行业的实体店建设远远不够,零售商应准备好在疫情期间针对目标人群推出高舒适度的服装。

l 法国:3月文具零售收入可观

根据GfK监测数据,3月法国文具市场总体上涨了 2.2%。其中,虽然办公文具市场在整个Q1下降了2.6%,但并无大碍,供应商数量的强劲增长缓解了此部分下降趋势。据报道,粘合剂(8.7%)和笔(7.2%)等类别的注册商标有所增加。



l 澳大利亚:每周有190万购车者收听商业广播

根据GfK和澳大利亚商业广播公司2021年第一份关于汽车消费者的报告,澳大利亚五大城市中每周有超过 190万的购车者收听商业广播。报告指出,汽车销售广播推广的最佳时间是工作日的上午7-10点和下午3-4点。此外,购车者们每周的平均收听时间也长达14个小时20分钟。



l 美国:芯片供应短缺,全球PC销量依然上行

根据GfK监测数据,2020年的笔记本电脑市场同比增长了 43%。GfK全球市场洞察副总监Josh Wanderman表示:“大体上,电子产品的需求量十分可观,但是主要还是由笔记本电脑市场带动。”然而,需求激增同时也导致了当前处理器供给短缺。Wanderman预计,芯片短缺将持续若干月份,但随着政府投资支持的增加,这种情况将在今年年底之前有所缓解。

l 美国:TIA/GfK线上研讨会洞察美国轮胎市场发展趋势


2021 W19 Global Market Trends



Germany: Edeka grows vigorously in the coronavirus year 2020

According to GfK information, retailers such as Edeka and Rewe have particularly benefited from the pandemic as consumers increasingly opted for one-stop shops. The supermarkets were thus able to increase their 2020 revenues, writes "presfrom.info". Edeka registered a revenue increase of 9.5 percent to EUR 61 billion, while Rewe posted a 12 percent increase to EUR 26.5 billion. The growing share of people working from home and cooking there was a driver for growth.

Russia: Why are Russians buying the Honor Magicbook laptops?

Honor has posted the results of its first week of selling its MagicBook laptops in Russia. The demand for the new products was much higher than last year despite the overall decline in laptop sales, which were down 16.2 percent year-on-year during the first 15 weeks of 2021, according to the data by GfK. The manufacturer further explained why the customers chose these models. "4pda.ru" reports on the topic.

Switzerland: Online shopping: Free shipping is most important for Swiss consumers

According to a KPMG study, 40 percent of Swiss consumers changed their shopping behavior during the coronavirus pandemic, reports "netzwoche.ch". 43 percent of respondents said that they shop online more than once per month, with a majority of those questioned naming free shipping as the most important purchasing decision. The article mentions a GfK survey from early March, according to which almost 50 percent of consumers buy their home electronics online.

Netherlands: "European avocado consumption set to rise further"

The avocado market is experiencing an impressive development in Europe. In the Netherlands, avocado consumption rose exponentially in 2020, from 35 to 40 percent, according to GfK consumption figures. Annabel Könst and Tom Verbakel of Dutch company Nature"s Pride, which introduced ready-to-eat avocados to Europe, expect this figure to grow further, noting that 60 percent of the population in Sweden and Denmark eat avocado. Consumption in Germany and Eastern Europe is also expected to grow significantly. "freshplaza.com" covers the topic.

Switzerland: Retail grows in the first quarter

The Swiss retail sector recovered in the first quarter of 2021, particularly in the non-food sector, thanks to the reopening of non-essential shops on March 1. According to figures from GfK, the turnover of retailers in the food and related products sector rose by 7.2 percent. The non-food sector saw its revenues rise by 13.2 percent, compared to minus 8.5 percent in the same period of 2020. "In many sectors, this led to triple-digit increases," GfK announced on Wednesday.

Netherlands: "Fashion sector really needs brick-and-mortar stores"

In a presentation at Emerce, GfK expert Danny van den Burg spoke about the changes in the fashion industry. Q1 fashion revenues fell by 15 percent. He advises that retailers should be flexible with channels, urging that "an online store alone is not enough." Online sales have not made up for loses. The situation improved as appointments were possible. Van den Burg explains that brick-and-mortar stores are not enough in fashion and advises retailers to offer comfortable clothing for their target group during the pandemic.

France: Stationary suppliers back in the black in March

According to GfK data, the French stationary market was up 2.2 percent in March. Growth in office stationary saw a decline of 2.6 percent in the first quarter. The strong progress of suppliers, however, mitigated the decline. Categories such as adhesives (8.7 percent) and writing products (7.2 percent) registered increases, writes "papetierdefrance.com".



Australia: 1.9 million car buyers tune into commercial radio each week: GfK

Over 1.9 million car buyers in Australia listen to commercial radio across five metropolitan markets each week, according to GfK and Commercial Radio Australia"s first 2021 category report on car buyers. The report finds that the best time to reach car buyers is between 7-10 am and 3-4 pm Monday-Friday, writes "radioinfo.com.au". On average, car buyers listen to 14 hours and 20 minutes of radio each week.



US: Despite chip shortages, global PC sales trend upward

According to GfK data, notebook PCs in 2020 were up by 43 percent year on year. "There was an overwhelming demand for electronics in general, but in particular for laptops and notebooks," says Josh Wanderman, GfK´s Vice President of Global Market Insights. The surging demand has led to the current shortage of processors. Wanderman expects the chip shortage to continue in the next couple of months but thinks it will ease by the end of the year as governments are investing to resolve the issue. "dealerscope.com" covers the topic.

US: TIA/GfK webinar to discuss US tire market trends

The Tire Industry Association and GfK US will offer a webinar on May 20 that examines the performance of the US replacement passenger and light truck tire market during the first three months of 2021. Drawing from GfK’s point-of-sale retail panel representing thousands of independent tire outlets nationwide, GfK executives will share trends and insights comparing first-quarter data from 2019, 2020 and 2021 and provide insight into planning for 2021 and beyond. The webinar also will look at emerging forces in automotive models and consumer shopping strategies impacting the tire market, reports "www.motor.com".

GfK Insight 直播间预告:全球消费电子产业供应链和市场变化趋势

5月27日14:00-16:00,GfK Insight直播间消费电子系列研讨会第一期,将聚焦Handset、PC、TV三大品类及消费者研究,深度解读全球消费电子产业市场变化趋势,助力企业把握消费电子市场全局动态。扫码注册预定席位,参会入口将于会议前24小时发送至您的企业邮箱。








85 年来,GfK通过解决客户在制定与消费者、市场、品牌和媒体相关的决策过程中产生的关键业务问题,赢得了全球客户的信任。









